[B1] K. Li,"Structured Compressed Sensing using Deterministic Sequences", ISBN-10: 3737576416,
ISBN-13: 978-3737576413. Language: English; Publication year: 2015.
[J2] A. Javer, K. Li , B. Gyenes, A. Brown "An improved database of C. elegans behavioral
phenotypes" ready to submit
[J3] K. Li, A. Javer, A. Brown "A Toolbox for C.elegans behaviour analysis, when hypotheses
particle .lter meets deep learning " ready to submit.
[J4] K. Li, K. Zheng, S. Cong, "Hybrid Reconstruction of Quantum Density Matrix: When
Low-rank Meets Sparsity" 2nd review in Quantum Information Processing.
[J5] K. Li, J. Zhang, S. Cong, "Fast Reconstruction of High-qubit Quantum States via Low
Rate Measurements" submitted, available: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1701.03695.pdf.
[J6] K. Zheng K. Li, S. Cong,"A reconstruction algorithm for compressive quantum tomogra-
phy using various measurement sets", Scienti.c Reports, 6, 38497; 2016, corres. author.
[J7] K. Li, C. Rojas, S. Chatterjee and H. Hjalmarsson, "Toeplitz matrices for statistic rank
minimization" submitted to IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing.
[J8] J. Zhang, S. Cong, K. Zheng and K. Li "Further Improved ADMM and Its Application
in Quantum State Tomography" System Control and Its Application, 2016.
[J9] Rufei Ma, Erwu Liu, Rui Wang, Zhengqing Zhang, K. Li , and Ping Wang "Energy-Aware
Preferential Attachment Model forWireless Sensor Networks with Improved Survivability",
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 3066-
3079, 2016.
[J10] K. Li, C. Rojas, S. Chatterjee and M. Jansson, "Alternating strategies are good for low-
rank matrix reconstruction" Signal Processing, vol.121, pp.153-159, 2016.
[J11] K. Li, H. Zhang, S. Kuang, F. Meng, S. Cong "An Improved Robust ADMM Algorithm
For Quantum State Tomography", Quantum Information Processing, vol.15, no.6, pp.
2343-2358, Jun. 2016.
[J12] S. Cong, H. Zhang, K. Li, "Comparative study of Quantum State Estimation Algorith-
m based on Compressive Sensing" Pattern Recognition and Arti.cial Intelligence,
vol.29, no. 2, pp.116-121, 2016.
[J13] S. Harraz, J. Yang, K. Li, S. Cong, " Quantum state transfer control based on optimal
measurement "Optimal Control Applications and Methods, doi: 10.1002/oca.2287,
[J14] K. Li, Daniel Holland, "A Nonlinear Weighted Total Variation Image Reconstruction for
Electrical Capacitance Tomography" submitted to IEEE Sensors Journal,
[J15] K. Li, L. Gan and C. Ling, "Convolutional Compressed Sensing Using Deterministic Se-
quences", IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol.61, no.3, pp.740-752, 2013.
[J16] K. Li and S. Cong "State of the Art and Prospects of Structured Sensing Matrices in
Compressed Sensing" Frontier of Computer Science, vol.9, no.5, pp.665-677, 2015.
[T17] K. Li, "A Survey of Image Processing Algorithms in Electrical Capacitance Tomography",
Internal Technical Report, Magnetic Resonance Research Centre, University of Cam-
bridge , Apr. 2014. pp. 1-5
[T18] K. Li, "The Initial Research of Modulation Scheme in Compressive Coded Modulation",
Internal Technical Report, Multimedia Internet Group, Microsoft Research Asia , pp.
1-58, Oct. 2011.
[T19] K. Li, L. Gan and C. Ling, "Orthogonal symmetric Toeplitz matrices for compressed
sensing: Statistical isometry property", Technical Report for Imperial College , pp. 1-12
Peer Reviewed Conference Papers
[C20] N. Song, K. Li, W. Chen "Reconstructing Propagation Networks: Where Compressed
Sensing Meets Sparse Subspace Clustering", submitted
[C21] S. Cong, J. Wen, F. Meng, K. Li "Global Stabilization of Mixed States for Stochastic
Quantum Systems via Switching Control", Proc. of 20th World Congress of the Interna-
tional Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), Toulouse, France, Jul. 2017.
[C22] J. J. Zhang, K. Li, S. Cong "Further Improved ADMM and Its Application in Quantum
State Estimation", in Proc. of 17th Chinese Conference on System Simulation Technology
Application, Xi An, China, Aug. 2016.
[C23] K. Zheng, K. Li, S. Cong "Characteristics Optimization via Compressed Sensing in Quan-
tum State Estimation", IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, Buenos Aires,
Argentina, Sept. 2016
[C24] K. Li, C. R. Rojas, T. Yang, H. Hjalmarsson, K. H. Johansson, S. Cong, "Piecewise Sparse
Signal Recovery Via Piecewise Orthogonal Matching Pursuit", IEEE 41th International
Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, (ICASSP 2016), Shanghai, China.
[C25] S. Cong, K. Li, "Compressive sensing theory and its application in quantum state es-
timation", Proceedings of 16th Chinese Conference on Sys. Simu. Tech. and Applica.
(CCSSTA15), Xiamen, China, Aug., 2015, pp. 307-311.
[C26] T. Yang, Y. Yuan, K. Li, J. Goncalves and K.H. Johansson, "Finite-time road grade
computation for a vehicle platoon"IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2014),
invited paper, Los Angeles, USA, 15-17 Dec., 2014.
[C27] S. Cong, H. Zhang, and K. Li, "An Improved Quantum State Estimation Algorithm via
Compressive Sensing" 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robio and Biomimetics,
(ROBIO 2014), Bali, Indonesia, Dec. 5-10, 2014, pp. 2238-2343.
[C28] K. Li, C. Rojas, S. Chatterjee and H. Hjalmarsson, "Piecewise Toeplitz matrices-based
sensing for rank minimization" IEEE European Signal Processing Conference , (EUSIPCO
2014) ,pp.1836-1840, 1-5 Sept. 2014.
[C29] K. Li and S. Cong,"A robust compressive quantum state tomography algorithm using AD-
MM" 19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automation Control (IFAC
2014), Cape Town, South Africa, Aug., 2014, pp. 6878-6883.
[C30] K. Li and C. Rojas, "Piecewise Toeplitz matrices for rank minimization", Matheon Work-
shop for Compressed Sensing and Its Application, Berlin, Germany, 9-13 Dec. 2013.
[C31] L. Gan, K. Li and C. Ling, "Golay Meets Hadamard: Golay-Hadamard Matrices for
Fast Compressed Sensing" IEEE Inform. Theory Workshop 2012, (ITW 2012), Lausanne,
Switzerland, pp. 637-641, 3-7 Sep. 2012.
[C32] L. Gan, K. Li and C. Ling, "Novel Toeplitz Sensing Matrices for Compressive Radar
Imaging", 1st International Workshop on Compressed Sensing applied to Radar, Bonn,
Germany, May 2012.
[C33] S. Gao, K. Li, C. Ling and L. Gan, "Wyner-Ziv Coding for Distributed Compressive
Sensing", 2nd Sensor Signal Processing for Defence Conference, (SSPD 2011), pp. 1-5,
London, United Kingdom, 27-29 Sep. 2011.
[C34] K. Li, C. Ling and L. Gan, "Deterministic compressed-sensing matrices: where Toeplitz
meets Golay", IEEE 36th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Pro-
cessing, (ICASSP 2011), Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 3748-3751, May 2011.
[C35] K. Li, Y. Pu and S. Cong, "A new target tracking and positioning method for grayscale
images", IEEE the International Workshop on Electromagnetism and Communication
Engineering, (ECE 2011), Hohhot, China, pp. 957-960, 15-17 Jul. 2011.
[C36] S. Cong, Y. Zhang and K. Li, "Optimal control of mixed-state quantum systems based
on Lyapunov method", IEEE 4th International Conference on Bio-inspired system and
signal processing, (BIOSIGNALS 2011), Roma, Italy, pp. 22-30, 26-29 Jan. 2011.
[C37] K. Li, C. Ling and L. Gan, "Statistical restricted isometry property of orthogonal sym-
metric Toeplitz matrices", IEEE Inform. Theory Workshop 2009, (ITW 2009), Taormina,
Italy, pp. 183-187, 11-16 Oct. 2009.
[C38] K. Li, S. Cong, J.Wang,"Optimization and implementation of the localization and control
algorithms in robot arm with visual feedback", World Congress on Intelligent Control and
Automation, (WCICA 2008), Chongqing, China, pp. 5073-5078, 25-27 Jun. 2008.
[A39] K. Li, A. Javer , B. Gyenes, A. Brown "Robust tracking of complex worm postures using
a motion model " 5th Cambridge Neuroscience Symposium, Cambridge, UK, Sept. 2015.
[A40] A. Javer K. Li, B. Gyenes, A. Brown "Higher throughput high resolution multi-worm
tracker" American Physical Society Annual Meeting (APS 2015), California, USA, Mar.
[A41] K. Li and C. Rojas, "Piecewise Toeplitz matrices for rank minimization", European Re-
search Network on System Identi.cation (ERNSI 2013), Nancy, France, Sept. 2013.
[A42] K. Li, S. Gao, C. Ling and L. Gan, "Wyner-Ziv Coding for Distributed Compressive
Sensing", Workshop of Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations
(SPARS 2011), poster presented, Edinburgh, UK, 2011.